How to make a starry sky on the ceiling what to take into account

In today’s times, it is very difficult to surprise someone with an exquisite ceiling design. Modern technologies allow you to make any “miracles” in the interior of the premises. Thanks to this, many romantics and connoisseurs of beauty can embody their dreams into reality. Of course, this pleasure is sometimes a lot, but the opportunity to consider in your bedroom on the ceiling a beautiful starry sky always fascinates. Consider stretch ceilings with the effect of the “starry sky”.The most simple and cheap will simply draw constellations on the canvas of the stretch ceiling with luminescent paint. This paint is colorless, and in the daytime is not visible. Only with the onset of darkness, the endless expanses of the cosmos are revealed above your head. The only drawback of this method is the lack of flickering of stars. A more real reproduction of the effect of the “starry sky” with flicker and transfusion of the color of the stars will cost an order of magnitude higher and technologically much more complicated. To do this, it is necessary to mount a special fake of drywall between the base of the ceiling and the tension plane, on which the desired “constellations” are reproduced, making holes in the places of future “stars”. After everything is ready, optical fibers are glued into the holes and gathered in a bundle. Then, on the ceiling, a regular frame of metal profiles is assembled, on which the false spot is fastened. It should be noted that the distance from the false floor to the main stretch coating should not exceed 50 mm. The sheet is screwed to the frame, and the electrical wiring is brought to the place where the halogen projector will be installed. The projector switch can be placed near the bed. A halogen projector is installed between the false-fake and the main ceiling, to which optical fibers collected in a bundle and connected to an optical port are connected. Through the light filters and wires of the fiber, the light of the “stars” is transmitted to the surface of the stretch ceiling. The flicker effect is achieved due to the rotation of light filters, the color scheme of which reaches 32 colors and shades. To do without creating a falseboard, in the surface of the stretch ceiling make punctures and remove the ends of the fiber to the outside. So that the wires are invisible in the daytime, the texture of the stretch ceiling is chosen from velvet or suede. If at the same time, attach Swarovski crystals to the ends of the fiber, then the flicker effect will be more natural and bright. Such a “starry sky” simply attracts eyes to itself. But the most fantastic and unforgettable view on the ceiling creates the effect of “starfall”. This spectacle is achieved due to the longest ends of the fiber released. For the base, the vinyl surface with the effect of mirror reflection and the color of the night sky is used. You can describe for a long time and explain the beauty of the effect of the “starry sky” on the shelf. But it is enough to see once to fall in love with this miracle of modern design forever.

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