What is the design of the suspended ceiling

The ceiling is also a significant space in the room, like the floor and walls. In ancient times, the ceiling repair was meant, either banal whitewashing, or painting. But at present, technological progress cladding of the ceiling is a rather versatile lesson, due to the many variety of ceiling coating. One of this variety is a suspended ceiling. By the way, now HTTP is selling office furniture, many entrepreneurs buy it every day there every day.

The design of suspended ceilings is divided into:

– Modular

– Solid.

Modular suspended ceilings are presented in the form of panels, rails, cassettes, which are made from various materials. They are attached to the lattice frame, which can be both hidden and dedicated. It all depends on the design. All components of the modular structure are coordinated by each other, which provides excellent flexibility in installation. And with the necessary repair, spoiled elements can be easily replaced with new.

Continuous constructions, unlike modular ones, are installed from drywall sheets, which accelerates the installation of this ceiling several times, creating an ideal even surface with the possibility of further decor to their liking, hiding all communication systems. When choosing a particular design of suspended ceilings, it is necessary to take into account such qualities as hygiene, moisture resistance, impact resistance, fire safety, as well as acoustic factors.

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