Clean and transparent at what price?

We all use water. Without it, life is impossible in general on earth. We get this source of life from the well, well. Each region has its own disadvantages of water consumed, this refers to the chemical elements of the Mendeleev table, such as iron, chrome, arsenic, manganese, fluorine, barium and even uranium. The first signs of the presence of manganese or iron in the water are an unpleasant metallic taste and brownish color of water, which contributes to the overgrowth of water supply. Hydrogen sulfide can already be determined by the presence of smell, it has the ability to cause corrosion of pipelines. Hardness salts (potassium salts and magnesium) cause the formation of lime plaque, which can disable any equipment. More often these cruel impurities are found in cities, suburbs. In places of a picture of water remote from industrial enterprises, a more favorable. In any case, before use, it is necessary to clean water from mechanical impurities, "liquid" Mendeleev tables. It is also necessary to remove the aftertaste, color, smell, no matter what they are caused. And finally, we delete the products of the life of a person and microorganisms, maybe even themselves. It should be understood that only a specialist in the relevant organization or sanitary and epidemiological station can determine the quality of water quality. The cleaning system itself consists of filters, chemical correction devices (softeners, degreasing, coal filters, etc. P.) and equipment for preparation for use. This method is used on an industrial scale to clean a large amount of water. In household conditions, ordinary filters are more often used, installed at the input of the central water supply. Easily replaced, improves organoleptic indicators, in any case there will be no extra. To prepare high -quality water, the effect of reverse osmosis is used. The main element of the reverse osmosis system is a thin -sex membrane, completely eliminating the penetration of salts, mechanical pollution, various compounds and bacteria. Thus, this additional cleaning system guarantees a high degree of purification of water consumed than conventional filtration methods used.

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