Features of growing and leaving animals in the house

We all remember how in childhood the dog asked for a dog. And for some reason we were always given a refusal – there are no funds to keep it, then mother is an allergy…And then we grow up and we are no longer to the dog. And so you have become parents and your children come in the same period when you want a dog. But you just like your parents say no, although you yourself are terribly hunting to tinker with such a funny lump of happiness. Well, of course, parents can be understood: with the dog you need to walk, feed, bathe, pay attention to it, etc. D. All this needs time, which unfortunately, we all do not have enough. But if all the same tunes and approach this issue correctly, then this will bring only pleasure and joy. The kids who just dream about the dog will take care of her with great pleasure. But a dog is not only a person’s friend, but also a living antidepressant. It is proved that if the family has a dog, then death from cardiovascular diseases and less colds. Children who have a dog in the house are much less sick than those who do not have it. They develop a stable psyche and spend more time sitting at home and watching a TV, but on the street, they are also more organized and collected. The dog forms high moral qualities in the child. And these are not empty words. Children who have a dog, always gathered, attentive, generous and kind. Will always help in trouble. The pet will always help to overcome shyness, and the child will be able to communicate normally with both peers and adults. But it happens. that the dog appears in the family by chance – they saw a poor puppy on the street, looked at the program about animals. And after a couple of weeks it turns out that you are simply unable to maintain such a miracle. In this situation, you and the children are upset both. And you have to give a puppy to someone else through force. To prevent such mistakes, first of all think – and whether you will be a pet of? Is it possible to exist in your apartment.

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