How to build a pool yourself

In the summer in the country or in a country house I so want to swim in cool water and diversify the rest with water entertainment. The pool will help to fulfill these desires. You can build a pool by hiring a construction team, or can be done independently by observing a certain technology .

First of all, you need to choose the right location of the pool. It should be an even spacious platform, preferably next to the river, well or column, so that it is easier to fill the pool with water. Next, you need to dig a pit to a depth of 1.5 m. The length of the pool can be made any size. Of course, you can’t do it on your own and you have to hire an excavator. After that, it is necessary to make the formwork in order to fill the basin frame with concrete. Formwork is made from construction forests. When concrete will be poured, it is necessary to leave places for the passage of pipes that supply water to the pool. Next, a special drainage system is installed that ensures the tightness of the pool. Before pouring concrete, PVC film is placed on the bottom. Before moving on to the interior decoration of the pool, it is checked for tightness by filling its bowl with water. The ideal shape is given to the pool by plastering. Further, the walls of the bowl are covered with ceramic tiles, but it is better to purchase a specialized plate for pools with a low percentage of water absorption.

With the use of the latest technologies and modern building materials, suburban real estate can afford more and more people. Our company sells turnkey shield houses with the installation of frame, which provide good comfort and cost relatively inexpensive.

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