How to lose weight by the New Year quickly?

There are several weeks left before the New Year? There is still the opportunity to drop a couple of extra pounds. Starting a weight loss program should be from a fasting day – kefir, vegetable or fruit (in the future such days can be arranged a couple of times a week). On such days, you should drink at least 2 liters of liquid.

Then, the main task is to reduce the calorie content of food consumed by 500-1000 kcal-so you can drop to 1.5 kg per week. To cope with this task, it is enough to consume products with low energy density, these are fruits, legumes, buckwheat, herbs, pasta made of gray flour, oatmeal, unstoppted rice, seeds, nuts, fish, olive oil. In the fight against extra pounds, you will have to forget about cakes, cakes and sweets (they are very high -calorie) and alcohol (it blocks the process of splitting in the body of fats).

Do not forget about psychological attitudes aimed at weight loss. Slimming installation will reduce weight without stress and at home.

Trying to lose weight, do not refuse several meals, taking great breaks between them – this leads to a painful feeling of hunger, and hunger is not allowed under any circumstances. Therefore, you should go to the fractional power system, dividing your daily amount of food into 5-6 doses: 1 portion should be no more than 250 grams, t. e. So you will have a snack every 2.5-3 hours. Such a power system will not allow you to feel hunger, and at the same time, fats will be continuously burned.

You can’t do without physical activity if you want to quickly lose weight. The most effective loads that contribute to burning fats are cardiopulsion: running, swimming, energetic walking, cycling, classes on an exercise bike. By doing these exercises every other day, you can get rid of 4 kg in 2 weeks.

For quick weight loss, a full sleep is important, the duration of which should be at least 8 hours a day): if the body is lacking, the body produces a stress hormone and begins to increase the fat mass.

And most importantly, this is an internal setting: do not regard weight loss for the New Year, as some kind of punishment or a period of severe deprivation, perceive it as a path to health and beauty!

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