Storage storage and transportation of glued timber

After manufacturing, the beam is sorted by size and type. Then it is wrapped in a polyethylene film to ensure the safety of mechanical damage and moisturizing wood. In warehouses, the permissible air temperature should be + 20 degrees, humidity from 40 % to 70 %.

Store a beam on wooden lining.

Stacks made of timber should be laid on a flat dry surface, with a uniform distance between the lining.

The lower row of the beam should be at a distance of at least 30 cm from the ground.

Store a beam on the construction site is necessary under a canopy and well packed in a plastic film. On the construction site where the beam is stored, there should not be moisture, dirt, construction equipment. In storage places, it is necessary to arrange natural ventilation of stacks with a bar.

Storage of timber on the construction site should not exceed more than 7 days before the start of the installation.

You need to understand that proper storage, storage and transportation of glued timber will provide high -quality assembly of a house from glued beams.

Transportation of glued beams

The laying of glued beams on the car must be performed with the correct and stable rows on special devices, which are equipped with all machines for transporting this material. To reliably fix the beam, along the entire perimeter of the car, a frame is made, which holds the products from displacements and shots during transportation.

On top of the beam is covered with a film and an awning, which equip cars from all kinds of damage. All transportation of this lumber must be carried out in closed vehicles.

The loading and unloading of the beam is carried out both by hand and by any mechanical lifts. In the case of mechanized unloading, it is necessary to use textile slings, in order to avoid mechanical damage to wood.

When loading, you can not casually throw it onto the car and during unloading, throw the beam on any surface.

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