Textured plaster features

Textured plaster is perfect for those owners of apartments who want to make repairs quickly, inexpensive and beautiful. The widest assortment in the market, a democratic pricing policy and an attractive appearance – all this made it an indispensable material for decorating apartments, houses and offices.

Granules of various fillers are added to such plaster (it is also called decorative), so it acquires additional viscosity, which makes it possible to draw a textured pattern on it. Fillers can have a different nature, and, accordingly, create different patterns when applying plaster. It can be wood fibers, linen, cotton, crumbs of various minerals. The basis of such a plaster can be silicate, synthetic or mineral. The basis and fillers determine how the appearance of the wall will change when applying plaster. An important advantage of such material is that it hides wall defects, so they do not need to be additionally aligned before starting work.

Textured plaster is very easily applied to the wall (even a beginner can do this), does not require special care, easily washed, and also serves for a long time. Before starting work, the walls should be dried and degreased. Then, starting from the corner, evenly, lay out the plaster on the wall with a layer of 3 mm. It should not be too liquid or too thick. It should be remembered that it dries quickly, so you can not hesitate. The textured pattern is applied with a stiff sponge, and after drying, it is slightly cleaned with sandpaper to crumble a particle of plaster poorly sticking to the wall. After that, it can be painted in any color you like.

If you want to buy a house in the suburbs, then you should contact professional realtors. Real estate of the Moscow Region is quite expensive, and therefore attracts many scammers. And when cooperating with specialists, you will avoid risk to run into a scam.

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