Cabbage broccoli cultivation and care

For the past few years, broccoli has been in great demand among agricultural enterprises. The fact is that this plant is a source of vitamins, as well as minerals, it can be given even to small children to food. Broccoli is a one -year -old plant that belongs to the cabbage family. Color cabbage is the predecessor of broccoli, they are even very similar, though they differ from each other size and color.

Growing broccoli is quite simple. There are two growing options: seeding of seeds immediately into the ground and planting of seedlings. The farmers will not have difficulties during broccoli cultivation, because this plant is not completely whimsical. Growing broccoli is much easier than white cabbage.

There is only one nuance – broccoli requires regular watering, in this case, the automatic watering system will be in handy. Broccoli is a frost -resistant plant, at the same time does not like very strong heat. It is very important farmers to know that the productivity of cabbage is reduced as soon as the air temperature reaches 25 degrees of heat or more.

You can plant broccoli in the beginning of March, because frosts of this cabbage are not afraid. The soil should be clay or consist of black. In order for broccoli to please you with a beautiful harvest, it should be properly careful. The plant should be regularly torn, feed, and also water it very abundantly.

About 20 days after 20 days, the first top dressing should be carried out. You can fertilize urea or mullein, which must be diluted in water. The second top dressing should be carried out 15 days after the first solution of nitroammofoski.

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