Brick – the best material for Townhouse

Life in the suburbs of most of us is familiar from numerous foreign films in which the main character leaves his house in a pretty village, and after half an hour is in the center of a large metropolis. Such a fashion got to us. Today, the sale of Townhauses is quite a profitable business. People who are tired of life in industrial cities try to break out to the outskirts, build a private house or buy a small towhouse in a one -story house.

Modern towhouses are built of brick, foam block, or finished sectional panels. Brick is considered the most popular. High -quality silicate or ceramic brick can provide its owners with a number of advantages.

The first brick masonry made of burned clay discovered by archaeologists dates from 3 millennia BC. Even then, people understood the versatility of this building material. Let us consider in more detail all the advantages of bricks for building a townhouse:

1. Durability. High -quality white silicate or red clay -based brick will retain its technical properties for several hundred years. The main factor here is the constant operation of the house. Supporting the house in dryness, you can count on the transfer of it as a inheritance to the great -grandchildren.

2. Universality of building material. For small buildings, a brick is an ideal option in terms of planning possibilities. The closest opponent of the foam block requires large financial costs and additional space.

3. Thermal conductivity and fire resistance. These two parameters allow you to build houses with fairly thin walls. The specifics of Townhouse makes increased fire resistance to a good factor. High heat production of brick provides good heating in winter and cool in the summer (unlike panel and monolithic buildings). This indicator is higher, the more holes has a brick.

4. External attractiveness. Even a simple white silicate brick without decoration already gives the house a great look. And if you use a special facing brick, then such a Townhaus will be no worse than an exquisite English estate.

When choosing towhouse prices for which are almost the same, be sure to pay attention to the material of manufacture. A brick house is a real “fortress” in miniature.

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