Characteristic and properties of Eurolinka

EVERECHISTOMS is considered a certain sheathing material, which is used to arrange interior decoration of apartments. Eurovarovka is carried out according to European standards. It may differ from a simple lining in various shapes, profile, thickness of the boards, as well as sizes.

The spikes with which the boards of the Eurolinki are attached to the walls, it has a little longer. This makes it possible to fasten the boards most tightly and in the future to avoid the formation of cracks when changing the temperature regime in the apartment.

EVERTOMENTS is made of natural wood. Because of this, it has all the required natural characteristics (thermal insulation, resistance to various damage, resistance to wear, etc.).

When acquiring an euro -car, the buyer can choose such a variety that will fully comply with his desires in quality and price. After all, the cost of boards directly depends on the quality of the product from which it was produced.

You can purchase Eurovagings today on the Internet, where cars are also sold and describe their characteristics. For example, on Cartechnic/Faw/Faw_vita you can find out everything about the FAW VITA car. On this site of motorists, you can read about other well -known auto -brands.

In the quality composition of wood, Eurovagonka can be divided into several options:

Boems are included in the “luxury” variety without any defects.

The second class (a) includes such wood boards that have a small number of knots, the size of which is not more than 3 mm.

The third grade (c) includes wooden boards, on which knots up to 10 mm are allowed according to the standard.

The last, fourth class (C) includes boards of lining that have many defects.

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