Frequent repair issues


Obviously, in those areas where the wallpaper was broken, there are defects of plaster, which can occur both on brickwork and on a concrete wall. It does not firmly hold on the basis of it, so the exfoliation occurs. When repairing, after removing the old layer of wallpaper, “tap” the wall with a wooden hammer. So you can give a real assessment of the quality of the plaster. A place where it holds poorly and leaves the wall when hit, you will have to be plastered again.

To do this, you need to completely remove all the dubious areas of plaster to the base and restore it by applying a new layer.

A few days, after the reconstructed sections completely dry out, the walls must be primed, and then apply the putty layer. For new wallpapers, before gluing them, a layer of primer is applied to the faded walls.

Only after completing all the listed work, you can start gluing wallpaper without fear of spoiling the result of your work.

Question: If the neighbors are flooded from above, what will happen to the dry screed that I want to do in my apartment?


Dry screed, in fact, does not tolerate high humidity, leaks can cause it significant damage. To protect against emergency flooding, it is recommended to install stretch ceilings complete with a dry screed. They can hold water for almost unlimited time, which will help you avoid damage to the sexes.

However, even if you are flooded, from the roof or due to the breakthrough of the pipe of the heating system, you should not panic. It needs to be taken to quickly remove water from the floor. A qualitatively made screed will be able to withstand a short effect of moisture if all the requirements and rules of its device were observed during the manufacture.

It is necessary to avoid the use of a dry screed for the floor in rooms with high humidity or where water is possible on its surface for a long time.

Question: It is planned to install a stretch ceiling and wall cladding in the bathroom with tiles. In what sequence the work needs to be done?


First of all, all the work that is necessary on facing is carried out, and only after that is the installation of a stretch ceiling. It should be borne in mind that several centimeters of the upper part of the wall will be given for the design of the ceiling, so the installation of the ceiling plinth is not required. If you decide that it is still needed, then tie its location under the finished surface of the stretch ceiling.

Question: Laminate – whether it is subject to coloring or varnish?


Laminate is a multi -layer flooring in which each layer carries a certain function. The lowest gives stiffness, ensuring the stabilization of the coating and its strength. A layer of polymer material lies on it, which serves as the basis for applying a decorative layer that gives the appearance to the laminate. Most often, this is a thick paper with a pattern applied to it. The protection of the decorative layer is carried out by a special coating, which protects against abrasion and moisture, “laminates” the surface.

By virtue of its properties, such material cannot be painted or varnished – like polyethylene, it does not hold the paint. You can use an abrasive to remove the upper protective layer if the painting is so necessary. Paint or varnish will fall on the exposed decorative paper layer quite tightly and firmly.

But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that, as a multi -layer finishing material, the laminate will lose its properties and qualities,

Question: I want to lay out the floors with ceramic tiles, but I don’t know if I need to dismantle the existing strong wooden floor?


You can use the existing floor as the basis for laying tiles, if it is actually strong. Lay the cement-brown slabs that any building market has in stock and lay the tile on top of them.

Installation of plates is carried out in the same way, without seams and gaps. Work with tiles is carried out in exactly the same way as on the usual prepared concrete foundation. The only minus of this option of cladding is the considerable weight of the CSP, which makes work alone almost impossible.

Question: What is a dry screed and whether it can be used as a replacement for a regular concrete screed of the floor?


A fairly new technology is called dry screed, with which the floor surface is aligned, as well as its preparation for subsequent finishes, in which various materials are used: laminates, parquet, etc. As a result, sound insulation improves and the thermal conductivity of the floor is reduced.

To make a dry screed, you must first completely clean the floor to the very concrete base from the old coating. After that, the overlap is laid down waterproofing, and the edges should be started on the walls. Bitumen mastic carefully smear all seams and joints. Mineral wool or polystyrene can be laid as insulation.

The next step is to fall asleep of the surface, for which small expanded clay or quartz sand is used. The area prepared in this way is covered with gypsum fiber sheets that are resistant to moisture and have high strength.

The result of all these operations will be an even and warm floor, while it will be strong enough and very smooth. The performance of work will cost the accompanying normal repair of dirt, and everything will be done in one or two days.

Question: How can you get rid of the seam between the ceiling slabs?


The most optimal option may be the device of a suspended or stretch ceiling. This method will allow not only to mask the seams on the surface, but will also give as a result an absolutely smooth and beautiful ceiling, which will also save you from worries about it for a long time. Traditional painting work will not give such an effect, it is difficult to expect a perfectly flat surface from plaster and painting, and the durability of the coating of such a ceiling is not great.

Question: How can it be bent from drywall, which will be used for the arch?


Since the drywall sheet consists of a layer of gypsum enclosed between external cardboard layers, in its dry condition it does not bend and is quite durable. But if the gypsum is moisturized, he will be able to take the desired form, which will be preserved after drying. At the same time, the cardboard, which is a shell, when getting wet, changes its properties, which must be taken into account when working.

Dealing with drywall, everyone is familiar with the fact that its thin strips can be easily curved. When installing an arch, you can use this effect and collect it from separate, pre -bent elements.

Another method is that with the help of a special roller with spikes, process the surface of the part, perforating it. Having moistened this side with water, we achieve even greater elasticity of drywall. And we fix the already prepared part on the basis of the desired configuration, forming the necessary form that will be used in the arch. It remains to wait for the part to dry and make its installation.

It is preliminarily recommended to practice unnecessary trimming in order to master the technology well enough and not spoil the workpiece.

Question: What is the sequence of work during repair: wallpaper overlap, flooring, installation of new doors?


First of all, you need to finish the floor – lay the laminate, linoleum or parquet. After that, the wallpaper, installation of skirting boards and interior doors is carried out. All these actions are carried out only at the end of the preparatory processes: dismantling the old doors, performing the screed and putty.

Question: According to the plan, the walls in the room should be painted with horizontal stripes. How to do this, so that they are even and neat?


First of all, it is necessary to mark, strictly adhering to the desired location of the lines, which requires special attention and accuracy. After that, the contours of the strips that will be painted in one color are glued with construction tape. The paint is applied, after its drying, protective tape is removed, and the contours intended for a different color are glued. As a result, the boundaries will be even and clear.

Question: In the old wooden house, during the repair, they encountered a problem: plaster on the ceiling almost does not hold. What to do?


In this case, it is most correct to use a plasterboard plate to finish the ceiling. The device of the stretch ceiling in a wooden house will be problematic, since its walls may not withstand the load that occurs when the PVC canvas is attached to them.

The option with plaster will not bring a better result than the use of drywall, but at the cost of work will be much more costly.

Question: I met information about decorative plaster Bayramik. Is it permissible to use it in the house and is it not harmful?


The basis of decorative plaster Bayramik is a crumb of real marble. In it, not only the beauty of marble slabs is preserved, but also thanks to this type, it is even more clearly and expressively disclosed.

Bayramix is ​​completely safe, and can be used without restrictions in residential premises to finish surfaces of any kind and purpose.

Question: how to overlay walls that are covered with oil paint, and at the same time not even, non -woven wallpaper?


Since non -woven wallpaper is not only the most beautiful of other species, but also very delicate as finishing material, they require a particularly even and smooth prepared surface on which they will stick.

Before starting to work with wallpaper, you need to get rid of the paint on the walls, the surface should be screamed and scalded. A layer of primer is applied under the wallpaper, and only after that they are glued.

Question: For the children’s room, material for flooring is selected. What to give preference: parquet, laminate or traffic?


For a children’s room, it is best to use environmentally friendly natural materials, from the listed ones – this is a parquet and a cork coating. And given the love of children for games directly on the floor, you need to give preference to cork coating, which holds heat well and will make the floor the most comfortable for children.

Question: drywall in the bathroom – how reasonable is this solution?


There will be no problems if you choose a special drywall designed for rooms with high humidity.

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