Greece Crete – Dream Island

Crete Island is considered the largest island of Greece. Its area is about 8340 square meters. kilometers. The island is washed by the Cretan and Libyan seas. Crete is inhabited by about 600 thousand people.

Crete Island – the most prosperous area of ​​the country. Geographical position, nature, climate, cultural and historical objects – all this contributes to the growth and development of its well -being.

Thanks to the Subtropical Climate of the island of Tura to Greece, millions of vacationers are attracted annually. The right time for relaxation, of course, is summer. It is prolonged here (April-October) and dry (at this time rain is very rare). The hottest month is August. But, despite the high temperature (+35 degrees) and low humidity (30%) heat is easily tolerated.

The landscapes of Crete amaze with their diversity. It can change from some completely meager vegetation to chic forests (cypresses, oaks, chestnuts, dates), from inaccessible rocky shores to gentle sandy and pebble beaches. Villages are literally drowned in vineyards, orange and olive gardens. Many Cretan caves and grottoes have great historical value. Crete has twenty -two national reserves.

The population of the island are funny, generous, hospitable people. They love their children very much and value good relations in the family. As a rule, several generations easily get along in the same house. Here they read very little and are not very striving for education. Merry, carefree life – the motto of the local residents.

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