How to make yourself on your mobile phone yourself

Imagine a modern metropolitan teenager who does not have a mobile phone that is not familiar with the camera, computer and Internet is almost impossible. Almost every teenager seeks to trumped in front of friends with some digital novelty or new fashionable clothes. But parents not give money for pocket expenses and entertainment. Exactly like the “ancestors” do not rush to upgrade home computer equipment. Therefore, the question of the workshop for minors is relevant than ever.

Summer time and intercessor vacation during the year is the perfect time for legal earnings. Not every organization will offer to work on a weekend, because by law the schoolboy must have two days off. But if the workshops do not take two to three hours of working time-it is.

If it doesn’t matter to you how prestigious the work itself, sending the resume, pay attention to the following vacancies:

– waiter and kitchen worker at catering enterprises;

– Assistant to the gardener in the organization of the green economy of the city (landing, weeding flowers, haircuts of lawns);

– promoter for the presentation of various products on children’s holidays or special promotions.

Often, senior students are also trusted to work at the computer, on the Internet, on the phone. Some firms are ready to hire youth for the presentation of their goods so that it gives out leaflets and other advertising lumbers, offers to taste this or that product. But although work for teenagers in Moscow is very diverse, young people pay much less than adult hired workers. The salary is calculated based on the number of hours worked, and is about 120-200 rubles per hour.

Everything that is required of you with an official device for work is a passport, health certificate and permission from your parents. And you can be sure that you will have enough earned over the summer to provide yourself with money for little joys.

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