Distinctive features of upholstered furniture from different manufacturers

Representatives of different peoples have their distinguishing features. You may be surprised, but this applies to furniture. This is about this – in our article.

For example, Italy is considered the legislator of furniture fashion. Italian furniture is the result of cooperation of furniture factories with the best architects and artists, having excellent design and high quality, not to mention the variety of styles presented-from Baroque to modern and high-tech.

Spanish upholstered furniture gravitates more to the classics, although there are also manufacturers specializing in modern styles. Classical Spanish furniture is an abundance of threads, gilding and luxurious fabrics. In quality it is comparable to Italian, but somewhat cheaper.

Manufacturers of upholstered furniture from Germany, Belgium, Austria and Switzerland are adherents of technology, who equip their sofas with interesting transformation mechanisms, bent armrests and backs and even TVs, and armchairs from these countries can rotate around their axis.

The French prefer practicality and grace. French sofas are often folding, which is convenient for small apartments, and classic models are never too decorated.

For large apartments, American chairs and sofas are suitable, characterized by greater depth, width and height. As upholstery, Americans use beige textiles and skin of natural shades, but they hardly use the thread.

Cleanliness and strict style – distinctive features of English furniture. Most often, direct models with a strip, cage or small ornament are produced. There are not so many corner and modular models of English manufacturers. A classic example of British furniture is a glass of Chesterfield.

Finally, upholstered furniture from Russia and Belarus is a kind of hybrid of German technological and Italian design with a reliable transformation mechanism. However, often Russian and Belarusian sofas and chairs have a monotonous appearance, often copy foreign models. However, almost everyone can find a sofa or chair to your taste and finances.

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