How to prevent problems when buying your own home

Many of us get tired of dirty entrances, concrete walls and often dream of our own house, where you can breathe fresh air on the veranda or take a walk in the evening on our own area.

Of course, it is better to build a house according to the project you have developed. Then he will meet all your requirements. But not everyone has such an opportunity. It is easier for many to buy ready -made than invent a new. But you need to make such important purchases wisely, so as not to experience bitter disappointments subsequently.

Real estate sellers sometimes hide obvious disadvantages of a particular house, trying to embellish its advantages in order to quickly make money from the transaction. Therefore, try to take into account all our advice so as not to stay in fools.

Try to imagine your future in this house, look at the distance from it to the nearest stop. A lot can happen, including unplanned car breakdown.

It is very important that the house has all the necessary communications. This is the end of electricity and water. There should also be heating and drainage. Ask your neighbors if there are interruptions in electricity. You can try to make a voltage measurement yourself. This is a very important point, especially if the house has electric heating.

Water to the house should be correctly summed up. Take care of this in advance if you do not want to buy a pump for a well. By the way, just in case, it is still worth it to find out where the nearest well is located, to which the drainage of the purchased house is connected. Also talk to your neighbors about the quality of water supply.

Most often, there are no central heating in private houses. In addition, to heat the house on your own is much more profitable. Find out for sure how the house you like is heated. If there is a stove in the house, you should not be lazy to check it.

Another point is the location of your site. If the house stands at the bottom of the hill, for example, then in the spring the site is probably flooded with meltwater. And if at the top, then, most likely you will have to constantly strengthen the earth.

Important advice: do not seek to save. Savings today can result in unplanned costs tomorrow.

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