Insulation of mounting seams when installing plastic windows

Modern plastic windows are very tight, they have excellent heat characteristics – and sound insulation. However, much depends directly on the correctness of their installation. Often, due to errors in the installation on the inside of the slopes, condensate and moisture penetration from atmospheric precipitation can be observed. Previously, the gaps after installation were usually covered with packley, and then covered with concrete solution. Today, plastic windows are isolated differently – more modern options for insulating installation seams are used, which we will talk about below.

Instead of an outdated pack, a more convenient sealant is used today – mounting foam. It is very easy to apply it, at the exit from the cylinder it increases in volume, and after application it quickly dries and hardens, making the gap filled. This foam can be used at almost any temperatures, so it is used in construction everywhere. However, it is not worth completely filling the gap with foam, because it, in fact, is not a seal, but only a heat insulator.

The basis for sealing is a special tape for shallowing cracks, which is made on the basis of silicone or other similar polymers. This compressed tape is self -adhesive and fills the gap along the length exactly half, and the second half of the hole is blown out by foam. Plastic windows inexpensively in Moscow today are installed by specialists using just such technologies.

At the same time, it is also important to isolate the mounting seam of the window from the negative effects of atmospheric precipitation and sunlight. The material for compaction itself should initially be of high quality – so it will last you for a long time without changing its properties, without the appearance of cracks and detachments. At the first appearance of such signs, the seams must be completely dried and re -abstract with the insulating composition. At the joints of the window frame and the wall, it is worth making additional isolation to avoid condensation.

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