Where came the cardboard box the story of the creation

A cardboard box or more officially – a corrugated rosor, goes a long way from its creation to application and, then, disposal. What are the “stages of life” at cardboard packaging?

It is worth starting with the fact that there are a lot of types of corrugated ones: it is a thin single -layer packaging cardboard, and a more reliable corrugated rosor, and microofra containers for fragile and small objects. Since corrugcrobes are the most common representative of the cardboard fraternity, for example, let’s take it. The history of corrugated hofrocorob begins with the creation of its layout. There are a huge number of standard blanks, however, if the container is made by individual order, then there is a need to develop a template from which the packaging will make up. The cubmarine for corrugated, should be economical (leaving a minimum of waste during cutting), reliable (ensuring the strength of the corrugated rod) and convenient (corruption should be easily assembled).

After the template is created, you can proceed to the direct production of packaging. Corpourine is made of corrugated cardboard: a layer of wavy (corrugated) paper is glued between the two layers of flat cardboard, which gives the packaging at the same time strength and softness. There can be more layers than three: a five -layer cardboard is three flat and two corrugated cardboard canvases, and seven -layer – respectively, four and three. The larger the layers, the more thick and durable it turns out a corrugated rosor.

Next, you need to make a package. You can either print directly on the cardboard (one -color printing on the boom of cardboard and multicolor on white or coated), or glue white paper on the surface with an already printed picture. Hofrocoros can also be decorated with foil or sampling (performed at the stage of cutting the template), and the image is laminated or covered with varnish protecting from fading.

When a corrugated rosor is ready, he enters the customer. Almost all cardboard containers – self -assembly: it is collected directly at the place of packaging of the goods. Further, packaged products are sent to sales places. On the way, the corrugated corn has to withstand shaking, falling (if unscrupulous movers come across) and “beatings” (on steep turns and deep pits, the load will shift and knock against each other). If the packaging is high -quality, then the goods will not suffer. If the packaging is very high quality, then not only the goods, but it itself will remain whole.

And here he is – the moment X. The corrugated rosor goes to the trading floor – to the counter or window, where it will be called to buy the goods. And now it all depends on how attractive, convenient and appropriate goods will be packaging in the eyes of customers. From a number of the same goods, which differ only in containers, a person will choose the one that will like him most externally and will seem the most convenient to use.

After the corrugated rosor serves its term, it can be sent for processing (as a waste paper) or to a landfill, where it will quickly turn into part of the surrounding nature.

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