Where profile pipes are used

Profile pipes are a special type of metal pipes, the internal and external section of which differs from the standard round. A metal pipe profile square or rectangular section is mainly used where an increased moment of resistance is needed in the case of a flat bend, which is often necessary in supporting structures, plus for the production of parts that have the shape of flat frames.

In this case, the use of a metal profile pipe with a square cross section is fully justified by the fact that it has a moment of resistance to the flat bend thirty percent higher than in the weight of a round pipe. Types of modern profile metal pipes, their shapes, and places of operation are unusually diverse. Such a variety is due to the fact that they, in comparison with traditional, have greater mechanical strength. For this reason, while maintaining the same characteristics of strength, there is an opportunity to achieve an impressive weight loss (about twenty-five to thirty percent) in relation to round. This is especially true for the use of pipes as a construction reinforcement. Construction reinforcement is needed to strengthen concrete and brick structures during the construction of houses and structures. Various frames are usually made of metal rods, which are then poured with concrete, or covered with brick. Thus, construction elements become more durable. Domestic reinforcement is relatively inexpensive, while its quality is excellent.

This can be seen by introducing in the search line the phrase reinforcement price Kyiv. After all, the production of metal rolling in our country has always remained at a decent level, using good metal and high -quality processing. Therefore, about to build any structure, it is enough to analyze the prices for reinforcement from different suppliers, choose the most profitable, and start work. But, before that, you need to find out exactly what type and type of reinforcement you need, as well as how many. This can be clarified in the document project. You can not solve this issue yourself. Indeed, for one work, smooth reinforcement may be required, for another – ribbed, which thus increases the area of ​​filling with concrete. And in no case can we take the reinforcement more subtle than the architect indicated. Subsequently, your building will be less durable. Although, do not take and much thicker or more in quantity. This may not make sense at least (except for the extra money spent), but at the maximum – lead to overloading elements of construction.

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