The device of the soft roof is how to do it yourself

In our country, soft roofs have been popular for a long time, despite the fact that for intensive operation this type of coating is not initially suitable. But the simple laying process and the low cost of soft tiles explain its popularity in construction. Nevertheless, if you correctly choose materials and technologies, then a similar type of roof will be able to withstand significant loads. Soft roofing materials are used in the construction of trading buildings, kindergartens and office institutions, they are used in private construction.

The roof without a cement screed demonstrates not only advantages, but also disadvantages. The main of them can be classified by the constant appearance of leaks. Traditionally, for their prevention, builders use an increased number of layers of roofing material, but, as a rule, these measures turn out to be ineffective.

Is it possible to avoid leaks when installing a soft roof is impossible? There is no at all, the use of modern rolled materials allows you to solve all such problems. Polymer membranes in combination with high -tech fasteners and heat insulation slabs provide reliable protection of the house from dampness and cold. Modern soft roof is able to serve up to 25 years without any special service, the only condition is that qualified specialists should lay it.

The installation of the roof goes into several layers. The first layer is the strengthening on the steamproof floor slabs: this is done to stop the exit of the steam out of the room out. Typically, in this case, bitumen-polymer or polymeric materials are used-individual canvases are laid and glued.

Next, slabs for thermal insulation are laid, they are fixed with fasteners so that they acquire resistance to wind loads. Fasteners are selected for each project of the house individually, depending on technological and fire requirements. When conducting roofing work, you can use domestic and imported fasteners, the range of which is quite wide.

Waterproofing materials are laid on the plates. Used today to protect against moisture, the polymer membrane should differ in high strength, resistance to fire and durability. In addition, in construction today, elastic, resistant to temperature differences of materials. You can also choose polymers resistant to aggressive media and solar radiation.

The roof is designed to protect the house from cold and moisture, and thermal insulation materials in this matter play an important role. When soft tiles are laid, all elements should be selected based on the qualitative indicators of the last. Strength characteristics, resistance to fire and hydrophobis – these are the main criteria for choosing roofing material.

The roof is constantly subjected to mechanical influences, and the main danger in such cases is pose point loads that occur already at the stage of roofing – when builders climb the roof.

It is worth paying special attention to the quality of attaching roofing elements – no cracks should be! In the event of cracks and any holes, snow melting in winter (from the outer heat that goes out), and, as a result, the penetration of moisture under the roof, and then into the room itself, can occur.

The reliability of the roof is determined, starting with the preparation of the project, while the little things in this matter should not be. At each stage of the installation of a soft roof, it is necessary to monitor the quality of the work carried out. Only then can the reliability and durability of the design be guaranteed. A well -arranged soft roof is a long -term protection of the house from dampness and cold. In this case, both fire safety of the structure and safety and durability of the structure in general are increasing.

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