Lighting concept what is it like to do

The concept of lighting is a set of general plan, strategic techniques and methods in the implementation of the competent location of lighting devices. Lighting should always have a beneficial effect on households. Since more than eighty percent of all information, a person receives directly through the organs of vision. And, if the light distribution does not correspond to your rhythm of life, then both physical deviations and mental.

For a moment, imagine that the desktop illuminates the central lighting, and there is no targeted, individual lighting near it. As a result of constant tension of the muscles of the eyes – rapid overwork occurs, headaches may occur and a violation of psychological balance occurs. This is what can not lead to the professional placement of lighting devices in a comfortable and comfortable house.

In this article, we will try to talk about the concept of lighting so that everyone knows and applies this information in practice in more or less.

First of all, it is necessary to determine what type of lighting is required in this territory. Lighting can be of several types: natural and artistic, bright, warm and cold, point and scattered. Natural light is lighting with sunlight that does not require human intervention. Bright lighting is lamps with daylight temperature above 5000 ° C. A high level of lighting solves artistic and architectural issues. Can be used in professional studios, laboratories, in those places where bright light is needed. Warm light – lamps close to morning and evening hours, with a temperature of less than 3500 ° C. The most suitable for lighting the dining room, bedrooms, lighting the working area, living room, etc. D. Warm, moderate lighting in combination with other types of lighting applicable in numerous areas of the interior. For example, in the kitchen where the place of meeting the whole family occurs – it is advisable to create a cozy, comfortable atmosphere; Warm, soft light will help in this matter. Cold lighting is lamps with high color temperature, stimulate human performance. It is appropriate to use them in working rooms, offices. At this stage of the strategy, it is important to pay attention to the meterism (this is a light effect on the color scheme) and on the color rendering index of the lamp designated by the letters RA (norm 80-100). The higher the color reproduction index, the more natural the lighting and interior colors are bright, saturated. For example: juicy – the saturated color of the wallpaper with natural color, changes under the influence of evening light to a dull and less intense color. Some lamps shine in a given direction, t. e. purposefully, individually, while others have scattered lighting. For example, in working areas it is necessary to combine general lighting with local. On the desktop, the light should fall from the left and be scattered, not giving shadows to the work surface. If the light distribution is not created correctly, then there may be: a decrease in performance and fatigue, with the ensuing negative consequences.

Next, it is necessary to decide what will be the light bulb (lamp), when implementing this concept. Determine: lamp service life, exclusive lamp or there are analogues, how much electricity will spend this lamp. These issues are important when planning lighting, t. To. contain information about the operation of lighting. It happens that the individual wants to use the lamp short-lived, exclusive and consuming a large amount of energy, only because the possession of this ‘little thing’ brings him to some extent glory. This is like a person eats expensive food, tasted on a plate in a restaurant; But this food adversely affects his health. Although in this matter, the rule leads: to taste and color – there are no comrades.

The next step, the location of the lighting will be; determination of the optimal and correct place in space. Basically, this process is carried out unconsciously and at an intuitive level. For example, a lamp intended for reading will not be put in the kitchen or will not direct lighting in the face.

And the last stage of the lighting concept is to search for the desired lighting device. In this matter, it is necessary to take into account: the wish of the client in choosing reinforcement, style correspondence to the interior, as well as the correspondence of the concept of lighting.

Here are some questions that you need to answer when choosing reinforcement:

What decorative or simple qualities will reinforcement have?

Is the selected fittings effective, in terms of the number of lamps, the return of light energy and the direction of the light flow?

The reinforcement is economically and geographically available or not?

Poor operating and maintenance costs comply with the requirements of the customer?

When solving all the above issues about the choice of the concept of lighting, you will create a unique, individual style that will meet the economic, stylistic and comfortable requirements of the customer.

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