How to get a tax deduction in the construction of a house

Construction – the company is expensive and painfully hits any family budget. Therefore, the state provides for the possibility of receiving tax deductions, as a kind of compensation for work in the ownership of housing. To get it, you need to know several rules.

Tax refund during the construction of the house

So who can get a certain compensation? These are all taxpayers and citizens who submitted certificates of income in the form of 3-NDFL. In other words, this is any person who regularly pays taxes and built a house for himself. To get a tax deduction, it is enough to collect a package of documents and submit an application.

What exactly will be compensated? Any documented expenses for the purchase of materials for construction and decoration, design and estimated costs are also compensated for the purchase of Nepogostroy, the costs of the provision of construction services and for the completion of the unfinished, the spending on the connection of communications and engineering.

Such payments are made once and not made if expenses were compensated from maternity capital or other state subsidies. Also, as already mentioned, you need to have all the estimates and checks, as well as the “white” contract for construction services drawn up by law.

The volume of deductions depends on the confirmed cost of the construction itself, but cannot exceed 13% of it or in the total result of 2 million. rub. However, in order to get this money, you will have to carefully fill out a weighty package of documents and get a cherished 3-NDFL certificate.

NDFL return in the construction of the house: Documents

To draw up a return, you will need to provide a TIN, certified a copy of the passport, 2-NDFL from the place of work. Also, you will have to provide all documents related to the purchase and sale of land, building materials, contract contracts, as well as attach certificates of ownership of the structure and land.

The amount of compensation does not include the cost of the purchase of plumbing equipment, interior doors, windows, gas equipment. You should also not provide checks for expenses when redevelopment of the premises, the purchase of construction tools, notarial expenses of any plan, insurance premiums, etc. P. spending. A complete list of what is possible and what you should not be provided to you at the consulting center at the administration.

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