As an ore field block, the most saturated with gold

The northwestern tectonic block of the ore field, which is concluded between the fracturing faults of Firefield and Dori-Hill, is most saturated with the most saturated. The northern and central parts of the block are represented by crystalline shales, the southern-predominant granite-gnes. It is crossed by a rare system of giving east-sovereign extension, partly penetrating after the decline of Dori Hill into another wedge-shaped block (see. rice.85). The latter is complicated by granite-gneses and limited with the southern. Rudonosose block concluded between Firefield and Dori Hill violations has 3×7 km dimensions. From one violation to another, the system of numerous subparallel cores located at a distance of 50-100 m is traced in it, and sometimes 10-20 m from another (see. rice. 85). The veins are healed by the cracks of the chip, the inheriting directions of the preceding them (which developed based on their morphology, in earlier cracks in the detachment type).In work published in 1963., P. TO. Sime, a. A. Drake and e. IN. Tucker put forward the idea of ​​manifestation on the ore field of mineral zonality of horizontal-central type. According to the performances of the authors, the rod of the ore field is the strip of golden pyrite-quarry weapons, stretching from the South Supervision to SV through the entire ore field. We emphasize that in this lane, as well as in other fields of fields, ore cores are oriented in the transverse direction. The rod strip is, as it were, is bordered by the intermediate zone of sulfide-quartz cores with pyrite, sulfides PB, zn, s, and Au “In the peripheral zone, the veins of AG-ZN-Ruds with carbonates, barita and fluorite prevail. However, an attentive analysis of the placement of instrumentation indicates the presence of a zonship of a more complex type. In the considered northwestern unit of the ore field, approximately in the central part of it, an isometric region of the indestructive ("Non -golden") PIT-quartz cores (see. rice.85). From the west, north and north-east it is really bordered by the gold zone of pithy-halcopritis-quartz and polymetallic veins. In the node of the fault of Firefield and Floyd Hill (in the southwest of the block), uraninite appears in some veins in some veins. Similar veins of the complex composition were formed along the eastern border of the block, where native silver and tellurids appear in their composition. It is easy to make sure that the complex composition of the cores, the isolation of the associations of the sulfides of the RE, ZN and SI in them is spatially associated with the block -separating fault of the firefield and is due to the flow of solutions into the zone of this violation. The development of uraninitis is associated with the fault of Floyd Hill, Nuna hell, tellurids, enargit and fluorite-with the fault of Dori Hill (see. rice.85). In the block, the veins of several directions were formed. In Fig. 85 It is clearly visible that the main directions for scolletic cracks and lived were northeastern (veins of Jetisburg and Bates) and Subhirotnaya (Wood and Hartford). Cracks containing them are a shutter of blocks of blocking faults. In turn, from cracks and lived both main directions, the system of sharply predominant chips of eastern-eastern extension and ore cores are separated. Thus, these chips are a fourth-order violations in relation to the relaxation zone (first-order breakdown) and the fractures of Dori Hill and Firefield (second order). The veins of the eastern-north-eastern extension are one of the most extended (for example, California-Gardner and a memos replacing it-3.8 km). Lives of 20-30 m long are also noted.

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