Energy -saving plate

Annually, in low-rise construction, newer modern technologies are developing, with the help of which it becomes possible to save a rather significant part of the finances that are allocated for construction. One of these technologies of fundamental slabs is called an energy -saving plate or insulated Swedish slab. Its main essence is that it consists of the latest heat -insulating and waterproofing materials. By the way, the transport company offers freight transportation at low prices.

The foundation that is laid down using such plates is suitable for the most diverse types of soil, as well as for houses that do not exceed three floors. It takes very little time to bookmark such a foundation. This process is quite simple and does not require heavy physical work, extra costs for materials and complex equipment. The price of this design is still quite high, but this cost already includes all pipes, communications and much more. Immediately after pouring and hardening the plate, the floor of your room becomes very even, beautiful and warm, it is almost ready. You will only need to connect the heating and lay down floor coatings such as: laminate, tile, tile, linoleum or parquet. With the help of the latest building materials in your house or apartment, it will always be warm, the soil will never freeze under housing, and saving on heating will save your money.

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