How to choose the right door handles?

Since it is customary to buy input armored doors with locks, handles and hinges, in this article we will look at handles for simple entrance and interior doors. It is obvious that for the front doors they must be reliable. Choose certified products, then it will be of high quality. For example, Archie doors have a locking mechanism for more than 500 thousand working cycles.

Door handles come in several types: pressing with a continuous lining-river and with separate overlays, stationary and knobs.

Pressing hand opens the front door with pressing. Usually it is associated with the lock mechanism, which is unsafe. If you do not want to endure your house, we advise you not to buy such. The stationary, on the contrary, has nothing to do with locking, and is installed on any place of the door leaf. She does not turn and does not press. Open and close the method of pushing or attracting.

It is desirable that the mechanisms are with protective pads of steel, brass, or, for example, aluminum. Do not take varnished or painted handles, as the paint will crack or slide over time. It should correspond to the style of your home. It is desirable that its color coincides with the color scheme of the door.

The pressing model with a solid-wrapping lining is attached to the door with a rod. Its length should be the same as the thickness of the door leaf.

Separate lining pen is more often used regardless of the lock. These are usually attached to interior doors.

The knobs resemble a ball. They combine in themselves and the castle. The center is located in the center. They are usually mounted on the door of a bath or toilet.

Choose high -quality door handles with a small angle. It should not exceed 30 degrees. For example, you can buy elite door handles of Archie in many stores and at an affordable price.

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