What are hollow blocks interesting

The size of hollow blocks is of great importance, such an advantage is a big plus, since for a separate period of time you can build a wall with a larger area. But how such elements have its not desirable side – large blocks are very heavy and it is difficult to build high walls from them. In order to build a wall from such a material, it is necessary to have two masons working in pairs. Blocks with voids have such a positive factor as the possibility of simultaneous masonry in two directions – parallel to the wall (long side) or perpendicular to it.

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The approach is considered wrong, in which the developer wants to lay the blocks in parallel, and as a result, wanting to save on insulation material. By laying the blocks perpendicular, developers increase the consumption of the material, which significantly applies the process of building the walls of the house. It is considered more economical to lay blocks in parallel and further warm the wall, but thus it is impossible to improve the sound permeability of the structure. You need to remember, the harder the design, the better its acoustic and thermal characteristics. If the house is located near a noisy place, then experts advise building a wall with perpendicular placement of blocks.

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