Falter FASADAD what is how to do

Falter fasement (aka pseudo facade) is printed only on a banner grid. Banner fabric – composite material, usually consisting of a strong base and elastic filler. Fillers-plasticizers give the material greater flexibility. Most often, the role of the filler is carried out by polymers, vinyl polymers. However, the mesh structure gives a huge advantage over banner fabrics: the net extinguishes wind loads by passing flows through itself, through mesh holes. Another indisputable advantage…

Taeumometer is one of the geodetic tools and is used by specialists to measure the corners and given distances, is indispensable for accurate calculation of the heights of the height of the studied landscape. It is considered modern and necessary construction equipment, as it carries out accurate shooting of the site in the minimum time with high -precision calculations. In the world of computer technology, the taeometer has turned into an electronic device with software and easily performing all the necessary…

Когда дача уже построена, да и забор практически готов, то остаётся оборудовать только называемую въездную группу. Of course, it should be comfortable, durable and outwardly attractive. First you need to decide what the design of the summer gate will be. Modern entrance groups for houses are divided into swing, sliding and lifting. We will not be the latter in this article, since they can be attributed more to the garage gate. Traditional swing gates are already a classic of the genre. They are vertical supports with polymer,…

Beautiful modern windows are an integral part of any room. But in addition to their aesthetic attractiveness, they should have a set of certain properties and characteristics that meet the requirements of reliability, security and multifunctionality. The plastic window has all the necessary properties to create warmth and comfort in your house. First of all, this is a long service life. Everyone wants to invest with a long -term prospect. The tidy appearance of the window is maintained due to the preservation…

Plastic windows have long established themselves as a high -quality product. Minimalistic style, thin design, large selection of manufacturers and good quality make these windows an excellent choice for installation in apartments and summer cottages. High thermal insulation guarantees heat at any time of the year, and noise insulation provides constant protection against loud sounds outside the dwelling. A plastic window is a complex structure of several glasses, which differs in the addition of various gases between them. The larger the distance…

When installing plastic windows, first of all, you need to pay attention to the indicators of soundproofing. In addition, it is extremely important what the design of the plastic window is. Double -glazed window is two types: single -chamber and two -chamber. Please note that a two -chamber double -glazed window has good light permeability, has high sound insulation, perfectly misses light. Similarly, the light passes the light, in addition, it does not so perfectly maintain heat inside the room. However, it has a lower cost. When choosing a window, you need it…

In order to get into the number of beneficiaries receiving a loan for the construction of a house or apartment, you need to first stand in line in the bank. This is only the first necessity of their great number in this matter. The whole process can be stretched for a long time, so it requires a thorough study. Moreover, if you build your own country house, not an apartment, the process has a slightly different type. In order to build a house on credit, you can contact one of the commercial banks that…

If you decide to become the owner of a country house built, as they say, from scratch, then the first thing after you bought the necessary plot of land, you need to order a project of the future house from a professional agency. If they engage in their own, there is a risk of incorrect calculations, which in the future can even lead to the destruction of structures. That is why the projects of houses need to be trusted to people who know in this matter. Such a service will cost not cheap, but you will be provided with a quality process…

Epoxy paints, or, as paint and varnish epoxy materials can be called, are conventional polyester, made by the process of polycondensation of substances containing an epoxy group of components in their composition. The most common are epoxy paintwork, which are made of diphenylopropan and epichlorgidrin. By the way, apartment repair is best entrusted to professionals. Epoxy resin, which has low molecular weight (is in a liquid state),…

The most optimal resting place is a sleeping room. Therefore, it is very important to correctly draw up its project. Classic, as you know, never goes out of fashion. This principle is also effective in designing the interior of the bedroom in the classic style. The development of such a project is based on the use of wood. For a married couple, a large wooden bed selected in accordance with the general design of the room is perfect. There should be a good mattress for a mandatory component of the bed, since it is…

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