How to make a hatch for tiles with your own hands?

Correctly made repair is able to significantly transform any room. But if you make everything in haste, then you can later regret it. Even an insignificant trifle is able to spoil the overall impression. A clear example is the situation with tiles in the bathroom. It is necessary to somehow cover communications, emergency cranes and accounting devices without blocking access to them. This aesthetically allows the hatch for tiles to buy, which today is not difficult. In addition, it is really possible to do it with your own hands.

What to pay attention to in the process of modeling and installation?

To avoid inconvenience in the future, take into account some points at the design stage:

The dimensions should be selected so that in the finished form the product does not interfere with the withdrawal of readings from the counters and repair work in this area.

Consider the multiplicity of the width and height. So you will avoid further occurrence with additional cutting, and the final result will turn out to be the most aesthetic as possible.

Next, follow a simple instructions:

The base of the hatch is usually made of drywall. But for the door itself, it is better to use plywood. Its thickness should be about 10 mm. Attach this element to the frame with loops.

Then it is important to ensure sufficient adhesion between tiles and plywood. Take a nylon grid and glue it to the door. The size of the seams can withstand the same throughout space. Then install the shut -off mechanism.

It remains only to smear the gap with sealant. Praise the edges of the tiles with tape so as not to stain the surface. Next, with the help of a spatula, distribute the sealant. After its dry drying, remove excess sections with a knife.

If everything is done carefully, your hatch will look no worse than the purchased!

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