Proper laying of the laminate

The laminate has turned into one of the main finishing materials for the arrangement of flooring due to its quality. Such a floor is beautiful, easy to care for, is relatively inexpensive, and most importantly – to lay it out of the power of even a person with minimal skills of a home master. At the same time, for successful work with a laminate, it is advisable to know some of its features, as well as laying.

1. The thickness of the laminate for styling in a residential apartment should not be less than 8 mm, and its lateral edges should have a lock with waxed joints. In this case, the coating will be quite rigid over the entire area of ​​the room, and due to villation at the joints, it will be possible to get rid of the creak.

Under the panels, must be laid a lining. If it is sheet, then its thickness should be 4-7 mm. If rolled, then 2-3 mm will be quite enough.

2. Before starting work, it is worth uniting all the panels and decompose them in such a way that the drawing on the area of ​​the entire floor is as symmetrical as possible. To do this, just try to change various panels in places. In the case when the selection of panels does not lead to the desired result, we cut the panels so that the drawing on their front part corresponds to the principles of general symmetry. Since this method inevitably leads to the appearance of short scraps, it is best to get 10% more laminate in advance than the area of ​​the room requires.

3. For large rooms, it is best to choose a laminate with a pattern in the form of planks, for small ones – in the form of blocks. This will simplify the solution of the issue of symmetry of the drawing.

4. If the moisture level in the room is relatively high, then the joints between the panels are best processed with a special gel cell for waterproofing. All the fears that the panels themselves will swell from the glue, they have no reason, and to increase the life of the laminate, it is best not to regret such waterproofing.

5. Laminate can only be laid on a carefully prepared floor. All hats of nails must be driven a flush with a floor level, humps of wooden black floor are cut off by an electric grinder, and uneven concrete base – flooded with a self -leveling solution. If, after such events, the floor has not turned into an absolutely flat plane, then it is best to cover it with sheets of fiberboard or even chipboard.

After that, it is enough only to lay out the laminate panel in the desired sequence, planting them on glue or screws with fasteners, as the manufacturer’s instruction most often requires.

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