Soundproofing constructions that are

Effective enough for the soundproofing of the room (apartment, recording studio, home theater) is the use of multi -layer structures. For example, cladding of drywall plates (the thickness of the cladding is about 12.5 mm). A layer of glass wool, 7.5 cm thick, is placed between the plates. In this case, the air noise insulation index (RW) (that is, the effectiveness of the enclosing structure) will be about 55 dB. It is worth noting that the larger the RW sound insulation index, the better the soundproofing properties of the corresponding structure.

For the soundproofing of housing, the use of the “dry construction” method (using drywall plates) guarantees the rapid implementation of installation work. The only drawback of this method is that there will be an additional 10 cm of the room. But, on the other hand, at such a price you will get calm, healthy nerves and sleep. If in this case you will use glass cotton wool (a layer of glass wool with a thickness of 7.5 mm), then the sound insulation index of the brick wall will increase from 45 dB to 55 dB, which means that the noise level that penetrates through the wall will reduce twice!

If you want to completely soundproof the room from the neighboring rooms, then the solution is the use of double -sided two -layer cladding of drywall plates with two layers of glass wool, with a total thickness of 15 cm. At the same time, the wall thickness will be 20.5 cm, as much as the thickness of an ordinary wall of brick. In this case, the sound insulation index will already be 63 dB. Approximately, each centimeter of glass wool up to 50 mm thick increases the sound insulation index by 1 dB, and the difference of 10 dB will lead to a decrease in half a noise level.

Do not forget that the noise from neighboring apartments passes not only through the walls, but also through the non -insulated elements of the construction structure – the floor and the ceiling, and this leads to the formation of an acoustic bridge and a deterioration in sound insulation. Therefore, in order to prevent the appearance of an acoustic bridge, we must try to avoid contact with the walls during the laying of the floor covering.

For sound insulation of the floor against shock noise, special soundproofing slabs are used. In particular, the design of the “floating” floor was widely used (which is the most effective means against shock noise and for inter -story floors). The most important thing here is to avoid strict connections between the base and the walls. You can use, for example, Fonostop Duo as a soundproof material. In addition, membranes can be used for sound insulation of the floor, which have recently become widespread.

To improve the acoustics of the room, special sound -absorbing plates are used (material that has high porosity). For example, the use of ISOVER AKUSTIK PLATTE plates with dimensions 100×60 cm and thickness 2-10 cm.

High porosity of thermal insulation material guarantees excellent thermal insulation properties. For example, wood has high porosity (60%), and the porosity of the plates made from it is already 80%! Such plates minimize the noise inside the isolated room and do not pass it outside.

And, of course, if you want to “get rid” from the street noise penetrating into your apartment, then your first task is to replace the old window frames with new ones using modern double -glazed windows.

The sound insulation of the windows depends on the double -glazed window you use (for example, you can use noise -boat or two -chamber double -glazed windows).

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