Which tile to choose for roofs?

The roof should not only be strong, but also consist of durable segments. Today, the price of which is quite acceptable, as well as bituminous and ceramic analogues, is very popular. The principle of installation in all these species is almost the same. But each material has its own distinctive features, so it is worth considering them in more detail.

Typical differences

At the moment, they are in demand:

Ceramic tiles. The main component in the composition is clay. In the manufacture to the general mixture, plasticizers are added, which make segments more durable. The final stage of production is based on high -temperature processing. This increases the resistance of the tiles of the negative effects of the environment. Professionals believe that ceramics are less sealed than similar types of materials for the roof.

Bitumen. It is important to know that this type is suitable for those roofs where the angle of the upper rib is less than 15 degrees. Each segment is a flexible plate treated with various minerals. Installation is carried out on a wooden crate. Easy to cut and bended. Great for roofs with complex geometry.

Metal tile. One of the most popular types. Produced in the form of separate tiles or profiled sheets. It is made of galvanized steel, which is processed with acrylic -based paints. A wooden crate can serve as a frame. Pretty easily mounted. Has a long service life. Thanks to flexibility from it, simply form various designs, for example, dome and bending tints. This is especially useful in the case of roof roofs with complex geometry.


Professionals believe that the best choice is metal tile. It has an acceptable cost, and its varieties and color solutions allow you to choose a model for any design.

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