How to choose a grinder correctly?

Corner grinding machine is also called a grinder. This is important repair equipment. With it, you can cut metal and concrete, grind, clean various materials. Today, there are not only a professional online store of sewing machines on the network of the network, but also many online stores offering high-quality construction and repair equipment.

Types of cars

To choose the technique correctly, you need to focus on the type of work for which this tool will be used. Equipment can be:



Differences relate to the structural solution, purpose and prices. Professional equipment works intensive for a long time. Household equipment is designed for smaller loads. They do not have such high endurance, but they also cost less. But they solve all the necessary functions successfully.

Equipment capacity

Power consumption is one of the main qualities. This indicator is from 600 to 2600 watts. This parameter affects the quality of processing, it depends on how quickly the material will heat up, which nozzles can be used.

The more difficult the task is, the more powerful the equipment should be. There are three groups of cars. The indicator of powerful units – more than one and a half kilowatts, medium -power equipment – 0.9–1.5 kilowatts. Finally, a low -power grinder has an indicator up to 0.9 kilowatts.

Regardless of what technique we are talking about, whether sewing machines or Ushm, it is necessary to correctly correlate their capabilities with the tasks that should be solved with their help. The power of the machine is related to the diameter of the circle. This indicator is in the range of 115–230 millimeters. The depth of the ejected layer depends on the power of the technique and the diameter of the disk. If you put a more diameter disk than you need, the tool may fail.

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